The European Technology Platform on Smart Systems Integration (EPoSS Association) is an international non-profit association according to German law. The EPoSS Association was founded on 18 September 2013. Its structure consists of Board, General Assembly, Executive Committee, Working Groups and Office. Below you can find the description of the EPoSS bodies and their main functions.
- Board
The Board guides the overall strategic development of EPoSS. It consists of one Chairperson, two Vice-Chairpersons and all together of up to 16 members, preferably with two-thirds of them being industry representatives. All members of the Board are elected by the General Assembly for a period of three calendar years. The Board´s tasks include governance of the EPoSS Association, identification of objectives, development of strategies and supervision of the activities of the Executive Committee and the Office.
Chairman of the EPoSS e. V.:
Dr. Wolfgang Dettmann
Infineon Technologies AG
Vice President R&D Funding
Am Campeon 1-12
85579 Neubiberg - GermanyDr. Wolfgang Dettmann joined Infineon in 2000 and covered positions from technology development for lithography to structured product development processes. Since 2009 he is responsible for collaborative projects on European and national level. He links business line related research and innovation at Infineon to funding programs and is heading the Infineon Research Technology Funding organisation since October 2024. The technical focus areas of Dr. Wolfgang Dettmann are ECS for sensor technologies, electric mobility, energy efficiency and sustainability. He was Vice-Chairman of the EPoSS e. V. since July 2021.
Dr. Wolfgang Dettmann obtained his Ph.D. in the area of biophysics with research on molecular binding forces at the University Munich, Germany, is married and has two daughters.
Vice-Chairman of the EPoSS e. V.:
Riccardo Groppo
Ideas & Motion
Via Moglia 19
12062 Cherasco (CN) - Italy- General Assembly
The General Assembly consists of the delegates appointed by the members of the Association. It elects the members of the Board, adopts resolutions and approves objectives and strategies of the Association.
- Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is responsible for internal coordination and overall day-to-day management and communication of the Association. It has a key role in assisting the Board, proposing initiatives and developing operational mechanisms. It puts concepts and strategies into practice and assures the quality of decisions. It provides an operational link to the European Commission, other public authorities, and to the working groups, with the aim of establishing an innovation framework in Smart Systems Integration for companies in Europe. It also contributes to policy development by providing advice on and representing key issues that affect the development and innovation potential of Smart Systems. The Executive Committee is constituted by delegates of the member organisations.
Chairman of the Executive Committee:
Albrecht Donat
Siemens AG
Power ElectronicsT PEL
Schuckertstrasse 2
91058 Erlangen - Germany- Office
The Office facilitates the processes of the EPoSS Association and provides management, administration and communication services. The Office supports the Board, the Executive Committee, the Working Groups and the General Assembly in all operational matters.
It is acting as an information and communication centre for the technology platform, including the maintenance of a dedicated website. The handling of all financial matters pertaining to the operations of the platform also falls under the responsibility of the EPoSS Office.
The Office organises annual events which provide the means to interact with all stakeholders in the platform and beyond, to ensure shared ownership and a common vision.
The EPoSS Office is hosted by VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH.
EPoSS e.V.
European Technology Platform on Smart Systems Integration
Steinplatz 1
10623 Berlin
GermanyPhone +49 30 310078-155
Fax +49 30 310078-225 Working Groups and Task Forces
A number of expert Working Groups have been created as the operational elements in EPoSS. Working Groups are established for specific tasks by the Board and the Executive Committee. Each working group is chaired by an industry representative from the Executive Committee and involves representatives of industry, public research, and universities which are deeply involved in the targeted field of the respective Working Group. Working Groups develop long-term visions and implement corresponding roadmaps on Smart Systems Technologies in various application areas. In addition, Task Forces quickly address emerging trends and topics.
These are the EPoSS Working Groups and Task Forces and their focus topics:
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