SMARTER-SI - Smarter Access to Manufacturing for Systems Integration
In order to provide access to manufacturing capabilities for SMEs, several European Research and Technology organisations (RTOs) joined efforts and formed SMARTER-SI.
The ultimate goal of this project was to test a new concept for small lot production, which we call the Cooperative Foundry Concept. During previous research, all RTOs have built components / parts of systems, i.e. building blocks, which are available and characterised by their high Technology Readiness Level (TRL).
The idea was to combine these building blocks in so-called Application Experiments (AEs), thereby creating innovative Smart Systems which serve SMEs' needs.
A White Paper on "Smart Systems Manufacturing in small lot sizes meeting the demands of SMEs" was developed in the framework of SMARTER-SI and was endorsed by EPoSS.
The Innovation Action SMARTER-SI has received funding from the European Community’s Programme HORIZON 2020 under Grant Agreement No. 644596, and from the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) under Contract No. 15.0085.
This project has ended in March 2018. The project website will not be upgraded.
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