SSI 2018: International Conference and Exhibition on Integration Issues of Miniaturized Systems

SSI 2018


Hilton in Dresden, Germany
EPoSS event

The Smart Systems Integration Conference 2018 is part of the activities of EPoSS. It will take place on 11 and 12 April 2018 in Dresden, Germany.

The conference will again address again all aspects of smart systems, starting from the international research on new materials and technologies, innovative smart systems, their manufacturing technologies, issues of integration up to applications in industry.

Call for Papers

The Call for Papers is now open. During the conference wapplication-oriented topics in the fields of smart mobility, smart health, smart energy, smart production and smart society will be presented. Additionally, software aspects in connection with smart systems will be addressed.

The conference topics are:

A. Applications
A01 Smart mobility
A02 Smart health
A03 Smart energy
A04 Smart society
A05 Smart production

B. Hardware/Technologies
B01 Design of smart integrated systems
B02 Manufacturing of embedded micro and nano systems
B03 Advanced micro and nano technologies
B04 New materials for nano structures and devices
B05 Smart low cost approaches including Roll-to-Roll
technologies and printed functionalities
B06 Smart test and reliability of components and systems
B07 System integration: 3D integration, interconnect
technologies and packaging

C. Software for smart integrated systems
C01 Embedded software
C02 Distributed embedded systems
C03 Self-X systems (learning, organising, optimising,
repairing …)
C04 Methods of software life cycle (design, test,
commissioning …)

D. Business creation of Smart Systems
D01 Market Trends
D02 Perspectives of Smart Systems
D03 Ecosystems for Smart Solutions
D04 SME success stories

Important Deadlines

Submission of abstracts: 5 October 2017

Selection by committee: 9 November 2017

Submission of full manuscripts: 28 February 2018


The combination of conference and exhibition offers an ideal
marketplace for experts and decision makers. The event is
the right place to be informed about latest developments and
trends in smart systems integration, to expand specialist
knowledge and to establish new contacts.