Roadmapping Workshop - Electric, connected and automated driving for the 2030 customer


Mallorca, Spain

Save the date!

The workshop will address a set of challenging items:

  •  it shall be a high level event to bring cross transportation requirements and expertise together.
  • it will Facilitate Vision Zero accident by automated driving, EV as mainstream and All electrical aircraft.
  • the goal is to identify European strength and gaps of required technologies for electromobility as mainstream, expected in 2030 and also to facilitate cross domain expertise
  • speakers from inside and outside of several H2020- and ECSEL-projects (AutoDrive, 3Ccar, OSEM-EV, SilverStream, STEVE and others) are asked to stimulate discussions.
  • a creative environment will be built on how to apply and understand European objectives down to relevant technologies.


Further information will be published soon.