Organic Innovation Days


Brussels, Belgium

This event will take place in Brussels, Belgium, 1-2 December 2015.

TP Organics invites you to Organic Innovation Days, which will take place on 1-2 December in Brussels. The main aim of this event is to demonstrate the innovation potential of the organic food and farming sector. In that context, TP Organics has launched a call to collect innovative solutions to the following needs of the organic sector:

  1. Innovative technologies for pest management in organic cropping systems
  2. New organic food processing concepts and technologies
  3. New business models of value addition at the local level

The best solutions submitted will be presented at the event.

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The event also intends to explore opportunities and potential risks of innovations developed outside the organic sector, such as bio-plastics, Internet-of-Things, proteins derived from insects or algae, and the recycling of urban and human waste. Should these innovations be taken-up by the organic sector and under what conditions? Finally, the results of the event will be discussed with policy makers in order to contribute to the implementation of the EIP-AGRI and Horizon 2020.

For the programme, please click >>here