ParisThe event will take place in Paris, 29 June - 2 July 2015.
EuCNC’2015 is the 24th edition of a successful series of a technical and scientific conference open to the world research community, sponsored by the European Commission, in the area of Telecommunications, focusing on communication networks and systems, and reaching services and applications. It aims at showcasing the results of the consecutive programmes on R&D and projects co-financed by European programmes, as well as presenting the latest developments in this area.
The conference will have regular oral and poster sessions, as well as panels, tutorials, workshops and keynotes. The conference has a not for profit organisation, hence, registration fees are as low as possible, and all surplus will be made available in grants. The conference will be indexed in the major databases. Best Paper Awards will be granted. Accepted and presented papers will be published in the EuCNC’2015 Conference Proceedings and submitted to IEEE Xplore other Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases.
Call for papers
Papers for regular sessions (to be uploaded to IEEE Xplore) are invited in the following Tracks (a full list of topics is available here):
- PHY - Physical Layer and Fundamentals
- WIN - Wireless Networks
- PN - Optical Networks
- NET - Networking
- APS - Applications and Services
- TER - Testbeds & Experimental Research
Papers should follow a template, available in Word and LaTeX formats.
Paper submission is open to all researchers independently of being associated to European Framework projects. All papers are blind reviewed by the Technical Programme Committee (TPC). A notification of acceptance will be sent to the authors. The Organising Committee may only communicate with the author who submitted the paper, and not with all authors. Papers will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
- Relevance and timeliness
- Technical content and scientific rigour
- Novelty and originality
- Quality of presentation
- Overall Recommendation
Important Dates
- 2015 Feb. 6 – Deadline for submission of Papers for Regular Session
- 2015 Feb. 6 – Deadline for submission of Workshops proposals
- 2015 Feb. 6 – Deadline for submission of Special Sessions proposals
- 2015 Mar. 13 – Notification of acceptance of Workshops proposals
- 2015 Mar. 13 – Notification of acceptance of Special Sessions proposals
- 2015 Mar. 20 – Deadline for submission of Extended Abstracts for Posters
- 2015 Mar. 20 – Deadline for submission of Exhibitions proposals
- 2015 Mar. 24 – Deadline for Workshops final Programme submission
- 2015 Apr. 10 – Notification of Papers for Regular Sessions acceptance
- 2015 Apr. 10 – Notification of Extended Abstracts for Posters acceptance
- 2015 Apr. 10 – Notification of Exhibitions acceptance
- 2015 Apr. 24 – Deadline for final version of Paper for Regular Sessions submission
- 2015 Apr. 24 – Deadline for final version of Extended Abstracts for Posters submission
- 2015 Apr. 24 – Deadline for final version of Paper for Special Sessions submission
- 2015 Apr. 24 – Deadline for final version of Paper for Workshops submission
- 2015 May 04 – Deadline for final version of Exhibitions Programme submission
- 2015 June 29 – July 2 – Conference
EuCNC 2015 will be hosted in the Palais des Congrès of Issy les Moulineaux, conveniently located in the south-east of Paris.
For more information and pictures regarding the building you can visit http://www.venuesinparis.com/viparisFront/do/centre/venues-in-paris/en/palais-des-congres-issy
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