2017 EuWoRel: 5th 'European Expert Workshop on Reliability of Electronics and Smart Systems'

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Berlin, Germany
EPoSS participating

The workshop, which is part of the activities of EPoSS, WG Key Technologies, will take place in Berlin, 26-27 September 2017.

EuWoRel Workshop Effects

Each of the past EuWoRel events has had a focus topic, to which it generated effective results. 

In 2013, we discussed the 'EPoSS White Paper on Smart Systems Reliability' and finally, a consolidated version was presented to the European Commission.  Subsequently, reliability research has been given good attention in the new calls in European research programs in all ICT & ECSEL calls.

In 2014, we discussed the draft of the European Roadmap 'Smart Systems for Automated Driving'. Reliability testing, numerical simulation, and functional safety are integral topics prominently addressed by this roadmap, which has become a major contributor to the European Roadmap on Automated Driving published by ERTRAC, the leading organization for automotive research coordination. 

In 2015, we brainstormed on the 'Reliability and Functional Safety' chapter of the update to the EPoSS Strategic Research Agenda (SRA).  Now, the update is published and will serve as basis for the deduction of future EU ICT & ECSEL calls.

In 2016, our focus was set on Prognostic Health Management (PHM) methods. We've prepared a metro map like list of priority actions in the methodology research on functional safety.  In the meantime, funding opportunities for PHM methodology research have been offered in several European (ICT, ECSEL, PENTA) and national schemes.

Profile of 2017 EuWoRel

The setting of EuWoRel will again be very efficient: Time frame, number and profile of the participants, and the general agenda will be kept unchanged.  Hence, we will first discuss the latest developments and needs in reliability methodology work for electronics and smart system industries, and will channel this information via EPoSS e.V. to the national and European funding agencies as input for the future work programmes, as well as for discussions already started on shaping the next frame programme covering the years 2021-27. Throughout the event, there will again be all the opportunities like the engineering talks, the plenary and the small group discussions as well as the networking dinner to bring in your ideas for joint projects fitting to the new calls.

In detail: The first day of the workshop will be dedicated to your engineering papers presenting results of reliability research such as new effects or failure modes, improvements in functional safety, advances in methodology approaches, progress made in terms of tests procedures and / or equipment developments.  Here, you can disseminate the outcome of funded projects covering any of the three directions of reliability research:

  • Improvement in the comprehensiveness and efficiency of experimental reliability tests and failure analyses
  • Speeding up the reliability assessment by applying virtual techniques based on fully calibrated and validated numerical simulation approaches
  • Prevention of any unexpected failure by the prognostic health management (PHM) strategy for triggering maintenance on demand

This year, the special focus will be set on the 'virtual techniques'. We will dedicate two sessions to this highlight topic of EuWoRel 2017.  Hence, we would like to particularly invite papers presenting:

  • new concepts and methods of modeling failure mechanisms in electronics,
  • new techniques of numerical simulation implementing these concepts,
  • simulation schemes ready for industrial use like automated virtual prototyping, and
  • specific simulation needs for PHM of electronic systems for the new automotive and industrial applications.

The second day, will first study the EU calls to learn about the new research opportunities and we will look into the strategy documents currently under development on Fully Electric and Autonomous Driving as well as on the entire Electronics Components and Systems industries, which will cover the next 10 years (2018-2027). Representatives of the European Commission and leading authors will introduce these documents to us and will take our questions and remarks.

Further on, we will survey the status of large key projects in the field of reliability and functional safety such as TRACE, IoSense, EuroPAT-MASIP.  These are success stories, which pick up on the results of the discussions at the past EuWoRel events.  We will inform about new projects just started and about ideas for upcoming calls. In addition, we'll have reports and demonstrations of new equipment for reliability testing and failure analysis. Finally, this year's EuWoRel will again provide much room for networking and brokerage activities towards new projects.


EuWoRel 2017 Agenda


Dag Andersson, Swerea IVF, Sven Rzepka, Fraunhofer ENAS, Bart Vandevelde, Imec

The workshop is part of the activities of EPoSS, WG Key Technologies.

The participation fee per person is 175.00 €.   It covers the expenses for workshop venue, proceedings, coffee & snacks, 2x business lunch, and 1x dinner in a genuine Berliner Kneipe.