Hotel Le Paza BrusselsAddress
Adolphe Maxlaan 118-126
1000 Brussels
Join the Electonic Components and Systems Community at the ECS Brokerage Event 2024 on 20-21 February in Brussels! Co-organised by the three industry organisations AENEAS, EPoSS and INSIDE, this event will gather more than 400 stakeholders and domain key players to network, exchange innovative R&D project ideas, meet potential partners and build future projects consortia.
This 2024 edition will focus on the opportunities provided under the recently launched Chips Joint Undertaking, as well as the Horizon Europe Programme.
Event registration
Please register here.
Participation to the ECS Brokerage Event is free of charge for members of AENEAS, EPoSS and INSIDE industry associations and for Public Authorities. For those who are not part of one of these communities, payment of a fee will be applied.
Share your Project Idea
During the ECS Brokerage Event you will have the opportunity to introduce your project idea during a 5-min pitch and/or present your project idea poster. You can already share your project idea in the ECS Collaboration Tool and start preparing your project idea pitch presentation and poster using the templates provided in this tool.
SMEs: Pitch Your Company
The ECS Brokerage offers a unique opportunity for presenting your company to a broad audience of potential partners. You can introduce the expertise and capabilities of your SME during a five minute pitch free of charge. You would like to take advantage of our offer? You can submit your presentation by email to contact@aeneas-eposs-inside.eu. Please note that the deadline is set on the 13 February, 2024.
Learn all about the event and the opportunities it offers on the event website.
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