This year's EPoSS Annual Forum will be held 5-7 October 2011 at the CosmoCaixa Science Museum in Barcelona. The three-day event includes the EPoSS General Assembly on the 1st day, the EPoSS Annual Conference on the 2nd day and an EPoSS Proposers' Day and COWIN Tutorial on the 3rd day.
1st Day
Wednesday, 5 October 2011
EPoSS General Assembly
15:00h General Assembly 2011
EPoSS members and all those who intend to become a member)
17:30h Parallel EPoSS Working Group Meetings
20:00h Dinner Event
2nd Day
Thursday, 6 October 2011
EPoSS Annual Forum
09:00h Opening of the Annual Forum & Keynote
11:00h Thematic Sessions
13:00h Lunch
14:00h Thematic Sessions
16:30h End of Annual Forum
3rd Day
Friday, 7 October 2011
EPoSS Proposers'
09:00h Opening & Plenary Session
10:00h Brokerage Sessions
12:30h Lunch & Networking
13:30h COWIN Tutorial
16:00h End of Proposers' Day
A call for presentations will be launched in June 2011.
The event is organised by EPoSS, in cooperation with Starlab and CNM (CSIC).
For more information, please follow this link: EPoSS Annual Forum 2011
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