We, the undersigned European Technology Platforms (ETPs), call on the European Commission to reaffirm their support for the strategic role of ETPs in the next EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation succeeding Horizon Europe (FP10).
ETPs are public-private multi-actor fora around key technology and innovation areas, aiming at aligning the research priorities needed to tackle complex issues and with a particular emphasis on implementation and innovation transfer of research outputs.
ETPs were established in 2003 as the first type of public-private R&I partnerships at the European Union level.
Our platforms have mobilised a broad range of EU-wide actors and developed and disseminated joint visions and strategic R&I agendas and roadmaps for action at EU and national level. In this process, we gratefully acknowledge the European Commission’s support in helping us to establish and develop the ETPs and to steer initiatives to improve coordination between us.
ETPs have contributed to the definition of the crucial R&I priorities, including those under the EU and national Framework Programmes. One of the main benefits of ETPs is our ability to provide wide, objective, coherent and strategic advice that replaces reliance on multiple, often competing and contradictory, interactions. Our advisory role was referenced for the Horizon 2020 programme but not for Horizon Europe. Whilst we fully recognise the need to foster the role of Member States in building EU R&I priorities, ETPs provide an additional and broader perspective of those.
The role of ETPs remains vital: ensuring that EU research has a high impact and that results are leveraged for the benefit of both industry and society as a whole. As highlighted in the EU Council conclusions (May 2024) on “A competitive European industry driving our green, digital and resilient future”, where the role of ETPs is noted, the EU’s R&I does not sufficiently translate into marketable products or services. ETPs play an important role in helping bridge this gap, given our strong networks of experts and sectoral expertise.
We, the undersigned ETPs, look forward to further discussing how to best consolidate our role in FP10 with the European Commission. Our platforms will support Europe’s untapped potential to translate the strong knowledge base of the EU into concrete outcomes, practices and solutions that can be implemented on the ground, boosting Europe’s growth, competitiveness and sustainability.
Download the full Joint Statement and see the list of signatories below.
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