
EPoSS participating

Chips JU Launch Event

We are thrilled to invite you to the highly expected launch event of the Chips Joint Undertaking, a groundbreaking initiative in the field of microelectronics and semiconductor technologies. The event will take place in Belgium on the 30th November and 1st of December 2023.
EPoSS participating

EuWoRel 2023

Since 2013, EuWoRel has been the annual forum for addressing the concerns of reliability, robustness, and functional safety of new products and technologies in the field of electronics and smart systems. It makes further research requirements on reliability methodology clearly visible, not only to the electronics and smart systems community but also to the representatives of funding agencies at national and European levels.
EPoSS event

European Conference on EDGE AI Technologies and Applications – EEAI

Jointly initiated by the EPoSS and Inside Working Group AI at the Edge and organised by the European project Edge AI, the European Conference on EDGE AI Technologies and Applications – EEAI aims to provide a European forum for sharing the latest scientific research and industry results using edge AI technologies and applications. Its scope covers the edge AI technology stack following emerging research and innovation from hardware to software, edge AI frameworks, architectures, algorithms, data types and methods to applications.