Turin, ItalyEPoSS held the EPoSS Annual Forum 2022 from October 4 to October 7, 2022 in Turin, Italy at Centro Congressi Unione Industriali Torino. Following the motto Connecting Systems, Driving Transition the event was hosted by the EPoSS member and strategic partner MESAP Innovation Cluster.
Please find the photos below in the section Impressions.
- Programme
The Executive Committee Meeting and the Working Groups Meetings are scheduled for October 4, the General Assembly will be held on October 5, 2022.
Please find the agenda below.
- Impressions
Please find below selected impressions from the EPoSS Annual Forum 2022.
Day 1
Opening Session
Paolo Tafuri, Mesap and Stefan Finkbeiner, Bosch Sensortech
Stefan Finkbeiner, Bosch Sensortech
Audience of the EPoSS Annual Forum 2022
Lucilla Sioli, DG CONNECT European Commission
Fabrizio Pirri, Politecnico di Torino
From the Sessions and the Exhibition
Steffen Kurth, Fraunhofer ENAS
Albrecht Donat, Siemens AG
Markus Riester, meisterwerk ventures and Paolo Dondo, Mesap
At the Exhibition
Elisabeth Steimetz, VDI/VDE-IT and Henley Liu, AMD Fellow
Elisabeth Steimetz, VDI/VDE-IT
Advanced Packaging in Europe for Europe - Elisabeth Steimetz, VDI-VDE-IT, Harald Pötter, Fraunhofer IZM, Renaud de Langlade, NOVAPACK TECHNOLOGIES, Stefan Finkbeiner, Bosch Sensortech, Przemyslaw Gromala, Robert Bosch
Rainer Günzler, Hahn-Schickard and Sandro d'Elia, European Commission, opening EDIH Session; Alexandra Nitze, VDI/VDE-IT
Wolfgang Dettmann, Infineon Technologies
Day 2
From the Sessions, the Start-up Award, Poster Pitches and the Exhibition
Harald Pötter, Fraunhofer IZM
Guilia Pippione, Prima Electro
Vincenzo Zeffiri and Laura Notarangelo, Nextome
At the Poster Pitches
The Exhibition
Gianfranco Rizzo, eProInn
Opening the Start-up pitches: Serena Zerbenati, Measp Cluster and Albrecht Donat, Siemens AG
Francesca Sigot pitches for Hype.
René Wiljens on the EPSI brokerage
Nicolas Gouze, VDI/VDE-IT
The Evening
Happy winners of the EPoSS Start-up Award: Technophylla.
Get Together in the Evening of October 6, 2022.
- Registration
Currently registration is only possible for members.
- Patronage and Support
Our special thanks goes to the patrons and supporters of the EPoSS Annual Forum 2022:
- Call for Presentations (Closed)
The call for presentations is closed. All presentations are available for EPoSS members.
In order to present the latest developments in Smart Systems Integration (SSI), we invite you to send your abstracts for presentations and showcase your latest Smart Systems innovations or technology developments for Smart
Systems Integration. Presentation could include one or more of the following topic areas:Smart Systems Integration research & developments for the following applications:
Next Generation of Smart Systems incl. Sensors and Actuators for e.g.
- Smart and Sustainable Mobility
- Internet of Everything Applications
- Green ECS for decarbonisation
- Digitisation and Robotics
- Energy Solutions
- Smart Health
- Connectivity
Latest developments and innovative technologies for Smart Systems Integration in the area of New Innovative Technologies e.g.
- New Manufacturing Technologies, Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printed Electronics
- Advanced and sustainable Packaging Technologies
- Photonics Integration
- Large Scale Technologies and Flexible and Wearable Electronics
- Artificial Intelligence at the Edge
- Quantum Sensing
- Design Methodologies, Security, Safety, Reliability and Resilience
Brokerage opportunities will be organised to network with especially SMEs, start-ups and young researchers.
If you wish to participate in the Call for Presentations, please submit your abstract (1,500 – 3,000 characters) together with your full contact details as well as a short biography to contact@smart-systems-integration.org by June 20, 2022.
Please use the template for abstract submission, which can be found below in the download section.
Presentations will be selected by the EPoSS Annual Forum 2022 Technical Committee.
Invitations for the authors of selected presentations will be sent out until September 1, 2022.
- EPoSS Start-up Award
The call for applications for the EPoSS Start-up Award is now closed.
EPoSS awards start-ups from the field of "Smart Electronic Systems"!
As part of the EPoSS Annual Forum 2022, we organise a competition for start-ups and young innovators: the EPoSS Start-up Award. Companies founded after January 1, 2018 with innovative business idea, product or service and high growth potential qualify as applicants.
The EPoSS Start-up Award will take place on October 6, 2022.
The participants will present their innovations in early or mature stages of development, concepts, ideas or business cases. Pitches must relate to smart systems technologies for different application areas, such as manufacturing technologies, energy, mobility, flexible electronics, wearables, food, agriculture or medical technology.
The jury consists of EPoSS experts from industry and research as well as national funding organisers. They will select those submissions that can present at the forum in October. The presentation will be held as PowerPoint with 10 slides at a maximum.
After the presentation, the jury will assume the role of a potential business partner, interview the participants accordingly, and select and award prizes to the most innovative and promising ideas. In addition, the participants can approach the members of the jury as mentors to get valuable advice on how to improve the concepts and business, if necessary.
The start-ups participating in the final round will receive a certificate and a voucher to promote one of their products with the EPoSS SSI Trademark for free.
- Practical Information, Site Visits and Hotels
Centro Congressi Unione Industriali Torino
Via Vincenzo Vela, 17
10128 Turin | Italywww.centrocongressiunioneindustriale.it
How to reach the venue?
Via Porta Nuova (Main Station / trains)
15 minutes walk or 8 minutes by bus “GTT Servizio Urbano, 68”
There is plenty of parking usually available around the convention centre. Parking is charged at an hourly rate of 1,50 EUR.
How to reach Turin?
Please check the best options for you from your hometown. From e.g. Germany, Turin can be reached by direct flight from Frankfurt/Main or Munich, otherwise with appropriate feeder flights.
You may also use Milan Airport as your destination airport and then take the train to Turin.
Airport Information
Torino Airport Sandro Pertini Website (17 km from Turin)
Bus Service from Airport to Turin City Centre, 50 minutes (7,50 €)
Taxi Service from Airport to Turin City Centre, 25-30 minutes (30-40 €)Milano Malpensa Airport Website (135 km from Turin)
Bus Service Milano Malpensa Airport to Turin City Centre, around 2 hours (22 €):
FLIXBUSMilano Linate Airport Website (160 km from Turin)
Bus service from Milano Linate to Milano Central Station Website
to carry on: Train to Turin / Porta Nuova (Main Station), costs and time depending on the type of train: Trenitalia or ItalotrenoTrain Information and Timetables
NTV - Italo
GTT - SFMHow to move in Turin?
Public Transportation
Taxi Service available 24/7: +39 (0)115730 or +39 (0)115737
Taxi AppCar Sharing
Please book your hotel room individually and directly online.
Below you find a list of recommend hotels. We do not offer a special rate as discounts on business allotments are more expensive than individual bookings.
As October is main season, we kindly ask you to get your preferred place to stay individually.
For more information about Turin please visit their official convention website.
Social Events
Executive Committee Dinner on DAY 0 | October 4, 2022
Ristorante Circolo La Posta
Via Vincenzo Vela, 17 (same building of conference venue)
10128 Turin | ItalyTel. +39 (0)115718400
How to get there? The restaurant is in the same building where the congress takes place (Centro Congressi Unione Industriali Torino). Please also check the map below.
Dinner Event on DAY 1 | October 5, 2022
Museo del Risorgimento
P.za Carlo Alberto, 8
10123 Turin | ItalyTel. +39 (0)115621147
How to get there? From the congress center (Centro Congressi Unione Industriali Torino) you take metro M1. Start at station "Vinzaglio" (8 min walk from congress center) and head to "Porta Nuova". From here walk up the main shopping streets in approx. 12 min. to reach the museum. Please also check the map below.
Dinner Event on DAY 2 | October 6, 2022
Palazzo Ceriana Mayneri - Circolo della Stampa
Corso Stati Uniti 27
10128 Turin | Italyhttp://www.palazzocerianamayneri.it/
How to get there? The palazzo is located just across the street from the congress centre (Centro Congressi Unione Industriali Torino). Please also check the map below.
Site Visits
We will offer three visits to regional partners. Tours will take place in the morning of DAY 3 - October 7, 2022 between 08:30 and 13:00. Please plan this firmly into your itinerary.
You will have the opportunity to take part in one of these tours and can sign up for it on site.
Further details on the companies and their field of work can be found in the file below.
General Map
Centro Congressi Unione Industriali Torino - Restaurant Circolo La Posta (Oct 4, Members only): no distance, same building
Centro Congressi Unione Industriali Torino - Museo del Risorgimento (Oct 5): 25 minutes (walk) or via metro/walk - see description above
Centro Congressi Unione Industriali Torino - Palazzo Ceriana Mayneri - Circolo della Stampa (Oct 6): 5 min (walk) - COVID-19 Regulations
There are no official requirements in Turin, i.e. no need to take tests, wearing a mask etc. Regardless of this, we ask you to take care of yourself and all of us and only come to the Annual Forum in good health. In case of doubt, please test yourself in advance. Please also feel free to wear a mask on site at any time.
Exception: For one of the site visits, wearing an FFP2 mask is mandatory. More details during registration.
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